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1 Solana = 185.95 United States Dollar

SOL Solana icon to USD United States Dollar icon calculator and Forecast

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      Instantly convert 1 Solana into 185.95378925 United States Dollar. Our Solana to United States Dollar converter collects real-time data from top-tier crypto exchanges, ensuring accuracy and reliability. Your latest conversion rate was refreshed at 27. July 2024 08:48 (UTC) UTC, encapsulating the most current market dynamics.

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      Reverse Calculation

      1 Solana = 185.95378925 United States Dollar

      You just successfully converted 1 Solana (SOL) into 185.95378925 United States Dollar (USD). With the current exchange rate at 185.95378924830553 USD for 1 Solana, this is your outcome.

      Explore our extensive range of currencies and cryptocurrencies with real-time data, enabling informed decisions for your currency conversion needs! If you're thinking of other conversions, use our drop down list for options.

      Remember, if you sell 1 Solana, you'll receive 185.95378925 United States Dollar.

      Exchange timestamp: 27. July 2024 08:48 (UTC)

      Solana (SOL) Price Chart (Candlestick)

      OHLC Price Data For The Given Dates

      21 Jul 2024174.4385531702182.7237431791171.4576102797182.7237431791
      22 Jul 2024184.1159644311184.5428021812177.1610693945182.7194144384
      23 Jul 2024180.2778888273180.2778888273171.9540484104174.0285566701
      24 Jul 2024173.8590865492181.6385519798171.6244118188180.0140349361
      25 Jul 2024177.9160186178179.0019724611166.9102604418169.5413489261
      26 Jul 2024172.3495427615182.3923680121172.0323870076181.3985940156

      Chart Pattern Recognition (Candlestick)

      We detected Trading Chart Patterns by analyzing the most recent day's OHLCV price movements:

      Bearish or Bullish? (%)

      Is Solana Bearish or Bullish this week? Discover market sentiment at a glance with our feature that analyzes the last 6 days of data to determine if the trend is bearish or bullish, empowering traders to make informed decisions.

      Solana (SOL) Forecast, Price Prediction for the Next Days

      Solana (SOL) Forecast Price Data

      Date Forecast
      Solana Forecast 2024 July (Daily)
      2024-07-27170.69009801 USD
      2024-07-28173.20946490 USD
      2024-07-29177.25651540 USD
      2024-07-30175.62706141 USD
      2024-07-31172.91370222 USD
      Solana Forecast 2024 August (Daily)
      2024-08-01174.60015146 USD
      2024-08-02172.24476937 USD
      2024-08-03170.56786238 USD
      2024-08-04173.08722927 USD
      2024-08-05177.13427977 USD
      2024-08-06175.50482578 USD
      2024-08-07172.79146659 USD
      2024-08-08174.47791583 USD
      2024-08-09172.12253374 USD
      2024-08-10170.44562676 USD
      2024-08-11172.96499364 USD
      2024-08-12177.01204414 USD
      2024-08-13175.38259016 USD
      2024-08-14172.66923097 USD
      2024-08-15174.35568020 USD
      2024-08-16172.00029811 USD
      2024-08-17170.32339113 USD
      2024-08-18172.84275802 USD
      2024-08-19176.88980851 USD
      2024-08-20175.26035453 USD
      2024-08-21172.54699534 USD
      2024-08-22174.23344457 USD
      2024-08-23171.87806248 USD
      2024-08-24170.20115550 USD
      2024-08-25172.72052239 USD
      2024-08-26176.76757289 USD
      2024-08-27175.13811890 USD
      2024-08-28172.42475971 USD
      2024-08-29174.11120895 USD
      2024-08-30171.75582685 USD
      2024-08-31170.07891987 USD
      Solana Forecast 2024 September (Daily)
      2024-09-01172.59828676 USD
      2024-09-02176.64533726 USD
      2024-09-03175.01588327 USD
      2024-09-04172.30252408 USD
      2024-09-05173.98897332 USD
      2024-09-06171.63359123 USD
      2024-09-07169.95668424 USD
      2024-09-08172.47605113 USD
      2024-09-09176.52310163 USD
      2024-09-10174.89364764 USD
      2024-09-11172.18028845 USD
      2024-09-12173.86673769 USD
      2024-09-13171.51135560 USD
      2024-09-14169.83444862 USD
      2024-09-15172.35381550 USD
      2024-09-16176.40086600 USD
      2024-09-17174.77141202 USD
      2024-09-18172.05805283 USD
      2024-09-19173.74450206 USD
      2024-09-20171.38911997 USD
      2024-09-21169.71221299 USD
      2024-09-22172.23157988 USD
      2024-09-23176.27863037 USD
      2024-09-24174.64917639 USD
      2024-09-25171.93581720 USD
      2024-09-26173.62226643 USD
      2024-09-27171.26688434 USD
      2024-09-28169.58997736 USD
      2024-09-29172.10934425 USD
      Solana Forecast 2024 (Monthly)
      2024-10-01150.31006475 USD
      2024-11-01149.37673852 USD
      2024-12-01148.47351960 USD
      Solana Forecast 2025 (Monthly)
      2025-01-01147.54019337 USD
      2025-02-01146.60686715 USD
      2025-03-01145.76386282 USD
      2025-04-01144.83053660 USD
      2025-05-01143.92731767 USD
      2025-06-01142.99399145 USD
      2025-07-01142.09077252 USD
      2025-08-01141.15744630 USD
      2025-09-01140.22412007 USD
      2025-10-01139.32090115 USD
      2025-11-01138.38757492 USD
      2025-12-01137.48435600 USD
      Solana Forecast 2026 (Monthly)
      2026-01-01136.55102977 USD
      2026-02-01135.61770355 USD
      2026-03-01134.77469922 USD
      2026-04-01133.84137300 USD
      2026-05-01132.93815407 USD
      2026-06-01132.00482785 USD
      2026-07-01131.10160892 USD
      2026-08-01130.16828270 USD
      2026-09-01129.23495647 USD
      2026-10-01128.33173755 USD
      2026-11-01127.39841132 USD
      2026-12-01126.49519240 USD
      Solana Forecast 2027 (Monthly)
      2027-01-01125.56186617 USD
      2027-02-01124.62853995 USD
      2027-03-01123.78553562 USD
      2027-04-01122.85220940 USD
      2027-05-01121.94899047 USD
      2027-06-01121.01566425 USD
      2027-07-01120.11244532 USD
      2027-08-01119.17911910 USD
      2027-09-01118.24579287 USD
      2027-10-01117.34257395 USD
      2027-11-01116.40924772 USD
      2027-12-01115.50602880 USD
      Solana Forecast 2028 (Monthly)
      2028-01-01114.57270257 USD
      2028-02-01113.63937635 USD
      2028-03-01112.76626472 USD
      2028-04-01111.83293850 USD
      2028-05-01110.92971957 USD
      2028-06-01109.99639335 USD
      2028-07-01109.09317442 USD
      2028-08-01108.15984820 USD
      2028-09-01107.22652198 USD
      2028-10-01106.32330305 USD
      2028-11-01105.38997683 USD
      2028-12-01104.48675790 USD
      Solana Forecast 2029 (Monthly)
      2029-01-01103.55343168 USD
      2029-02-01102.62010545 USD
      2029-03-01101.77710112 USD
      2029-04-01100.84377490 USD
      2029-05-0199.94055597 USD
      2029-06-0199.00722975 USD
      2029-07-0198.10401082 USD
      2029-08-0197.17068460 USD
      2029-09-0196.23735838 USD
      2029-10-0195.33413945 USD
      2029-11-0194.40081323 USD
      2029-12-0193.49759430 USD
      Solana Forecast 2030 (Monthly)
      2030-01-0192.56426808 USD
      2030-02-0191.63094185 USD
      2030-03-0190.78793752 USD
      2030-04-0189.85461130 USD
      2030-05-0188.95139237 USD
      2030-06-0188.01806615 USD
      2030-07-0187.11484722 USD
      2030-08-0186.18152100 USD
      2030-09-0185.24819478 USD
      2030-10-0184.34497585 USD
      2030-11-0183.41164963 USD
      2030-12-0182.50843070 USD
      Solana Forecast 2031 (Monthly)
      2031-01-0181.57510448 USD
      2031-02-0180.64177825 USD
      2031-03-0179.79877392 USD
      2031-04-0178.86544770 USD
      2031-05-0177.96222877 USD
      2031-06-0177.02890255 USD
      2031-07-0176.12568362 USD
      2031-08-0175.19235740 USD
      2031-09-0174.25903118 USD
      2031-10-0173.35581225 USD
      2031-11-0172.42248603 USD
      2031-12-0171.51926710 USD
      Solana Forecast 2032 (Monthly)
      2032-01-0170.58594088 USD
      2032-02-0169.65261465 USD
      2032-03-0168.77950302 USD
      2032-04-0167.84617680 USD
      2032-05-0166.94295787 USD
      2032-06-0166.00963165 USD
      2032-07-0165.10641272 USD
      2032-08-0164.17308650 USD
      2032-09-0163.23976028 USD
      2032-10-0162.33654135 USD
      2032-11-0161.40321513 USD
      2032-12-0160.49999620 USD
      Solana Forecast 2033 (Monthly)
      2033-01-0159.56666998 USD
      2033-02-0158.63334376 USD
      2033-03-0157.79033942 USD
      2033-04-0156.85701320 USD
      2033-05-0155.95379427 USD
      2033-06-0155.02046805 USD
      2033-07-0154.11724912 USD
      2033-08-0153.18392290 USD
      2033-09-0152.25059668 USD
      2033-10-0151.34737775 USD
      2033-11-0150.41405153 USD
      2033-12-0149.51083260 USD
      Solana Forecast 2034 (Monthly)
      2034-01-0148.57750638 USD
      2034-02-0147.64418016 USD
      2034-03-0146.80117582 USD
      2034-04-0145.86784960 USD
      2034-05-0144.96463067 USD
      2034-06-0144.03130445 USD
      2034-07-0143.12808552 USD
      2034-08-0142.19475930 USD
      2034-09-0141.26143308 USD
      2034-10-0140.35821415 USD
      2034-11-0139.42488793 USD
      2034-12-0138.52166900 USD
      Solana Forecast 2035 (Monthly)
      2035-01-0137.58834278 USD
      2035-02-0136.65501656 USD
      2035-03-0135.81201222 USD
      2035-04-0134.87868600 USD
      2035-05-0133.97546707 USD
      2035-06-0133.04214085 USD
      2035-07-0132.13892192 USD
      2035-08-0131.20559570 USD
      2035-09-0130.27226948 USD
      2035-10-0129.36905055 USD
      2035-11-0128.43572433 USD
      2035-12-0127.53250540 USD
      Solana Forecast 2036 (Monthly)
      2036-01-0126.59917918 USD
      2036-02-0125.66585296 USD
      2036-03-0124.79274133 USD
      2036-04-0123.85941510 USD
      2036-05-0122.95619618 USD
      2036-06-0122.02286995 USD
      2036-07-0121.11965103 USD
      2036-08-0120.18632480 USD
      2036-09-0119.25299858 USD
      2036-10-0118.34977965 USD
      2036-11-0117.41645343 USD
      2036-12-0116.51323450 USD
      Solana Forecast 2037 (Monthly)
      2037-01-0115.57990828 USD
      2037-02-0114.64658206 USD
      2037-03-0113.80357773 USD
      2037-04-0112.87025150 USD
      2037-05-0111.96703258 USD
      2037-06-0111.03370635 USD
      2037-07-0110.13048743 USD
      2037-08-019.19716120 USD
      2037-09-018.26383498 USD
      2037-10-017.36061605 USD
      2037-11-016.42728983 USD
      2037-12-015.52407090 USD
      Solana Forecast 2038 (Monthly)
      2038-01-014.59074468 USD
      2038-02-013.65741846 USD
      2038-03-012.81441413 USD
      2038-04-011.88108790 USD
      2038-05-010.97786898 USD
      2038-06-010.04454275 USD
      2038-07-010.00000000 USD
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      Another SOL to USD amounts

      Solana to United States Dollar Conversion

      United States Dollar to Solana Conversion